Drivers are protected by more safety features than ever before, such as airbags, shatterproof glass, anti-lock brakes, stability control and more.
As vehicles continue to evolve, more safety features are needed than in the past. As cars become faster and more efficient, they must also be safer.

     Shatterproof glass: 

Shatterproof glass ensures that the windshield shatters into numerous harmless shards in the event of an accident. The windshields of early motor vehicles were dangerous. If the windshield broke, the driver would be covered in broken glass. Shatterproof glass is laminated in a way that prevents injury.

     Seat belts: 

This safety feature, invented in 1849, was not standard equipment until 1966, when the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Act and the Highway Safety Act turned control over to the federal government. The federal government created the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, or NHTSA. The NHTSA required all vehicle manufacturers to include seat belts as standard equipment in all motor vehicles. Since the 1960s, several improvements have been made to seat belts.


In 1968, Allen Breed invented the first electronic sensor that deployed airbags in the event of an accident. In 1988, Chrysler made airbags standard equipment on all vehicle models. Chrysler was ahead of its time, as it was not until 1998 that airbags became mandatory in all motor vehicles.

    Anti-lock braking systems:

 Early automotive braking systems applied braking pressure to the rear wheels only. During emergency braking, the rear wheels locked, causing the vehicle to skid and stop. It was not until the 1920s that four-wheel brakes were introduced. Four-wheel brakes helped prevent skidding in an emergency braking situation. The introduction of ABS solved the skidding problem and allowed the driver to maintain steering control while braking on slippery surfaces.

     Stability control: 

Stability control allows the driver to avoid dangerous rollover accidents by allowing the computer to help compensate for driving errors. If you steer too hard in a vehicle without stability control, you can cause a rollover accident. If you have performed the same maneuver in a vehicle with stability control, the computer compensates for over steer by directing power to other wheels to avoid an accident.


Three types of lights are important for any vehicle: brake lights, turn signals and headlights. Be sure to use all of them. You should also check the bulbs regularly to make sure they are in good working order. Have the bulb replaced as soon as it is defective. If you often travel long distances at night, consider installing high wattage or HID bulbs for your headlights.


Correct placement of rear view and side mirrors is very important. Correct mirror alignment provides good visibility and eliminates blind spots.


 Bumpers are perhaps the most primitive safety feature, as they are designed to withstand minor collisions. They can prevent damage to the vehicle body and engine.
    Four-wheel steering: 

This option provides precise maneuverability when driving at high speeds. It is especially useful when driving over rough terrain.

     Pre-collision technology: 

Many modern cars have sensors that provide impact protection when an imminent collision is detected. Seat belts are adjusted, airbags are aligned and brakes are pre-applied to reduce the impact.
