10 Important Tips for Your Car Vehicle Maintenance

Blog, Featured, Vehicle Safety and Maintenance / By Samod Biobaku

Keeping your car in good condition doesn't have to be hard work. The smartest way to make sure your car doesn't disappoint when you least expect it is to use 10 vehicle maintenance tips recommended by industry experts.

According to a recent report, younger drivers are exposed to huge repair costs simply because they lack the basic culture of vehicle maintenance. If you are a car owner, check out the following tips:

Keep liquids clean

In addition to cleaning all the fluids in your car, you should always remember to recharge. These fluids include motor oil, transmission oil, coolant fluid, brake fluid, power steering fluid, air conditioning coolant, and windshield washer fluid.

You should never forget that your engine needs oil to keep its moving parts lubricated. Don't get so sloppy that the various fluid levels get so low that the overall functionality of the car suffers.

Don't throw away your car's manual

Did you know that the owner's manual contains tons of information on vehicle maintenance and various safety precautions to take?

We have already established that proper vehicle maintenance is a must. However, a good maintenance culture isn't just about changing oil and other critical fluids. It's more about how capable and knowledgeable you are as a driver. For this reason, car manufacturers always include an instruction manual.

The operating instructions were not designed to be kept in the glove compartment of your car. Rather, it is designed to protect and enhance your driving skills. Therefore, it should be your active passenger. It contains all the functions and parts of your car. It even goes as far as explaining the purpose of all the controls, displays and buttons on your car.

Using the instruction manual can save you a lot of money that you may have spent on repairs.

Stick to a maintenance program

There are a number of things on your car that require regular maintenance or replacement at regular intervals. Some of these parts include the brakes, air filter, spark plugs, and timing belt.

You should have a maintenance schedule that covers tasks like replacing the Spark Plus, as well as checking the brake fluid and clutch fluid, and refilling the brake fluid when necessary.

Other tasks that should be included in your maintenance schedule include changing the engine oil, replacing the air filter, replacing the cabin filter, replacing the oil filter, and replacing the fuel filter.

In addition, you must also:

  • Check the condition of the tires.
  • Check the power steering fluid level and replace if necessary
  • Check brake pads / liners, brake discs / drums and replace if worn
  • Grease and lubricate the various components of the car.
  • Check and replace timing belt / timing chain if necessary
  • Check the level of the automatic / manual switching fluid and top up if necessary
  • Check tire pressure

You should always check the tire pressure before driving. This is because temperature differences have different effects on tire pressure. Most of the time, the warmer the temperature, the greater the likelihood that tire pressure will increase.

To have the best possible control over your car and achieve greater fuel efficiency, you need to make sure the tire is properly inflated.

If you don't check your tire pressure regularly, your tires will likely squeal when you turn. This is a clear sign that your tire pressure is low. Your tires don't need to leak before checking them.

When tire pressure drops, you need to inflate them. Ideally, you should check your tire pressure once a month.

Change the windshield wiper

If your windshield wiper doesn't clean properly, it's time to change it. Also, try to clean your windshield wipers every time you stop to buy fuel at a service station. You can do this by using a damp paper towel to remove loose dirt by wiping the brushes.

If you're wondering when to replace your windshield wiper blades, it should be between 6 months and a year, or the time you notice a difference in your driving vision.

